Stepping Back

For a number of reasons to follow, I’ve decided that I am going to do the half marathon in March instead of the full marathon. …

A Runner’s Schedule

Between bad weather, travel, and grad school commitments, my training has been getting all thrown off lately. Sunday, I ran 5.5 miles.Monday, I ran 4.5…

Grad School in High Gear

I’ve got nothing going on today!  Nothing interesting to discuss really.  Its just been a regular couple of days.  Yesterday, it was back to school…


I have been slacking like crazy but slowly, my motivation has been coming back.  I have been getting more consistent about eating healthy and getting…

Review: Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter Blend

Oh. My. Goodness. I never loved a nut butter this much in my life. LoL, I know that is a lot from me since I’m…

Veggie Overload

Yesterday was packed full of those veggies I bought over the weekend and I still barely made a dent in them!  I talked to my…

Shrimp and Mushroom (Not)Risotto

I figured since I showed you all the wonderful veggies I bought at my favorite produce outlet, I should show you how I’m using them. …

Busy Bee

It looks like its going to be a busy couple of days at school this week.  I only have classes today and Thursday but I…