Category: Bullpen
Weight Loss
Making Gym Progress
Happy Friday! Today’s workout was tough, cardio-wise. I had a hard time catching my breath all of class. Here is a brief description, because I…
WIAW: Home Cooking
Rob has been spoiling me in the kitchen lately! He’s been on a home-cooked pasta kick in addition to fresh baked bread. Who am I…
Bullpen WOD
Mondays generally feel higher on the cardio than anything else but I guess Jose has to keep us guessing because this week had a lot…
WOD: Medicine Ball Madness
Today’s Bullpen workout is brought to you by the medicine ball.
It’s Sled Day
Today’s workout was pretty interesting. I got there and no one else was there. I actually double checked that it was Wednesday because, being home…
Three Words of Torture
Happy Tuesday! Last time, I blogged about my current goals and so far, I am doing okay. I haven’t been tracking my water intake but…
Classmate Workout & Weight-Loss Strategy
Happy Monday! Good news, I made it to the gym this morning! It was hard waking up but I managed and actually got there a…
Bullpen Workout Details
I realized I forgot to tell you about my workout yesterday! I told you about the gym but not what we did. I don’t remember…