Free to Breathe 5K

I did nothing all weekend and then today, I have tons to blog about!  Yesterday, Rob did manage to stay home ALL DAY.  So when…

Breathe Again!

Finally I can come up for air!!  It has been non-stop lately with school and housework.  Just crazy!  But I handed in an awful Optics…

November Struggles

Holy lack of blogging!  I have been busier than ever!  This week, not only was it school but it was LAUNDRY!  And other house stuffs. …

To Do List

Today is the first day of my November goals! So let’s do this! This is what I need to do today: Drink at least 8…

Quiet Weekend

Friday was the most heavenly!  We stayed home.  I know, can you believe it?!  We ordered pizza, plopped on the couch and spent time together! …

Relaxing Day

Just a couple random things going on tonight!  Its a nice relaxing night with Rob (and I’m on the computer, hehe).  Anyway!  This is just…

Night Time Running Needs

This morning, I walked out my front door to this: It’s time to get some night time running gear… ::sigh::  Normally I like new running…

Local Grocery Shopping & Gu Review

So I never really finished my blog from the weekend due to time and technical difficulties.  LoL!  Anyway, we always do our grocery shopping on…