Achilles Fasciitis?

First up, my smoothie of the day!  Today’s smoothie only made about 8-10 ounces.  Perfect because I only wanted a snack. 1 Banana 1 tablespoon…

Boardwalk 8 Miler

Just a quick health and fitness update for now.  I’ll have a weekend recap with lots of pictures later tonight or tomorrow!  Including pictures of…

Marathon What?

I just have not been motivated for this whole “marathon training” thing that I’m supposed to be doing!  My weekends have been crazy hectic and…

Banana Smoothie

I woke up not feeling so hot this morning so I wanted something plain and simple.  What better than a banana smoothie? 1 Banana 1…

Running Mayhem

I wrote my fun blog about Giving Up already this morning and now its time for the real update!  First off, my smoothie today for…

Fun or Fit

My name is Angela and it’s been 5 days since my last blog.  Boy do I feel like I have a lot to talk about…

Crash and Burn

What a Monday!  I mentioned I was feeling rundown yesterday and I had eaten bad so I expected to feel bad later too but I…

Fit Friday!

Good morning!  Can I tell I couldn’t think of a good blog title?  LoL.  Lots of things going on today!  First thing, I had a…