Monday Musings

So, I just got back to my school routine and I’m wondering – what slob broke into my apartment while I was gone?! Oh right,…

2012 In Photos

So much has happened this year, I can barely keep things straight!  So instead of going over my goals, which I didn’t exactly meet, I…

Sticking My Neck Out

All week, I’ve had this horrible “crick” in the right side of my neck.  Today, it has moved to the left side!  I know its…

A Cupcake-Eating Running Elf

What a weekend already!  First, I had a girl’s night out with Lauren last night.  She invited me to an event called “Cupcakes and Cocktails”. …

Turkey Days & 5Ks

Good morning!  Yes, it is as early as you think it is.  I use to always blog in the AM but lately I haven’t had…

Coconut Yogurt, Brazilian Butts, & CrossFit at Home

Man has it been a long week.  I have always had digestive problems but my stomach has been really bad for the last 2 or…

Saint Louis Day 2: Race Expo

Saturday, we got up nice and early so we could get our day started.  Actually, we tried sleeping in until 7 but with our bodies…

Paleo Lasagna & Chicken Cacciatore

Paleo Lasagna I have to admit, this wasn’t my recipe.  But then again, I never do follow recipes.  This one was so easy though, it…