Year-End Plan

My food collage should look like this: Sugar sugar sugar!  Those cookies are going to be the death of me.  The next few days are…

Project Time

Holiday Spirit Well, as you know, I am all done with Christmas shopping.  The cats are having a blast trying to tear up the tree…

Breakfast Made Easy – Food Blog 12/14

First, fitness news… Fitness I didn’t go for my run!  I know, I should have just done it in the morning.  What happened was that…

It’s a Learning Process – Food Blog 12/13

Well, yesterday didn’t exactly go as planned.  I started off the day great and I managed to front load my calories, which I mentioned a…

Weekend Plans

Change of plans!  I was going to go home this weekend but decided it would just be better if I stayed at school to study…


Good news!  I am almost done with this semester!  My two take home exams are handed in, I have homework and a short paper due…

Tummy Troubles

“Eat Food.  Mostly Plants.  Not Too Much.” Michael Pollan How did I stray from my usual motto for eating?  Yesterday, I was all stressed about…

Ho Hum

After Sunday’s post with all the wonderful things going on, the last day or so feels so boring.  LoL!  I haven’t been taking pictures like…