Hurricane Sandy Recap

Good news!  Power is back on at my house in NJ.  They warned us it may go out again but I’m just happy the heat…

Surviving Sandy! (So Far)

Hello everyone!  We are all safe here at the Chicken Scoop.  That includes friends and family!  The storm wasn’t as scary here (at my house)…

Waiting for Sandy

First off, I worked out today!!! I tried doing P90X’s Ab Ripper X.  I could do about half the moves with the boot.  Even things…

Halloween & Hurricanes

This last week was a crazy one for me!  Come Thursday, it was still going nuts.  I drove the 2 hours to school only to…

Recipe Interwebs

With my new motivation for a stricter diet (weight loss, more energy, better digestion, etc.), I was at a bit of a loss for some…

Being FitFluential!

There are big things happening right now!  First, I’ll start with the good news.  A few months ago, I applied and I was finally accepted: …

Saint Louis Day 3: Marathon Day!

Sunday, we woke up super early for the big day.  Luckily, being from the East Coast, it didn’t feel that early for us.  I had…

Saint Louis Day 2: Race Expo

Saturday, we got up nice and early so we could get our day started.  Actually, we tried sleeping in until 7 but with our bodies…