It’s DVDs For Me!

There has been this black whole where my Insanity workouts once were.  My calendar looks so empty!  So you know me, I need a plan.…

Work-Free Weekend

This weekend was all about relaxing with Rob.  My finals were done as of Friday morning and I was home free!  I really was looking…

Health and Fitness Videos

Seeing as I don’t have cable here at my apartment at school, I have to get pretty creative with TV watching.  I think I’ve watched…

Run Less, Run Faster: Book Review & Marathon Training Plan

This was one of those perfect timing things.  I was hunting online for a marathon training plan that simply had less running.  That seems counterintuitive…

Running Imposter

That’s me, I’m the running imposter.  All this time, I’ve been calling myself a runner but I’ve had myself and you all duped the whole…

New Inspirations

I got my copy of Runner’s World “The Trail” special issue this week and I just read an article in it about being burnt out…

Marathon Training Plan

If you don’t remember, I am registered for the St. Louis Rock and Roll Marathon in October with my lovely ladies Tiffany and Kristin!  And…

April Fool’s Day 7K 2012

This weekend was such a whirlwind as usual!  Not only did I (and still do) have tons of work to do but it was the…