Bring on the Mud!

Fun News!  I’m doing a Mud Run!  They can be rather expensive which is why I hadn’t signed up for one yet but I got…

Wardrobe Malfunction

Not that kind people!  Minds in the gutter, I tell ya.  So!  My ankle has been bugging me every since starting Insanity.  Finally, after irritating…

Run Less, Run Faster: Book Review & Marathon Training Plan

This was one of those perfect timing things.  I was hunting online for a marathon training plan that simply had less running.  That seems counterintuitive…

New Inspirations

I got my copy of Runner’s World “The Trail” special issue this week and I just read an article in it about being burnt out…

Life Update

I’ve got nothing to talk about today!  I did think of some interesting topics but I didn’t really feel like talking about any of them…

Russian Easter Weekend

Wow what a weekend.  (Including today!)  It all revolves around the fact that Sunday was Russian Orthodox Easter.  Let’s recap.  Friday was a bit crazy…

Marathon Training Plan

If you don’t remember, I am registered for the St. Louis Rock and Roll Marathon in October with my lovely ladies Tiffany and Kristin!  And…


Today, after my workout, I decided I would try on some jeans that haven’t fit since I gained that bit of weight back last semester. …