2012 Goals Progress

Seeing as we are now more than half way through the year, I guess I should think about what my goals were for the year…

Achilles Fasciitis?

First up, my smoothie of the day!  Today’s smoothie only made about 8-10 ounces.  Perfect because I only wanted a snack. 1 Banana 1 tablespoon…

Marathon What?

I just have not been motivated for this whole “marathon training” thing that I’m supposed to be doing!  My weekends have been crazy hectic and…

Crash and Burn

What a Monday!  I mentioned I was feeling rundown yesterday and I had eaten bad so I expected to feel bad later too but I…

July Restart

Hello everyone!  So, I’m feeling super drained today.  I know it is almost completely due to my crappy eating this weekend.  Rob and I hardly…

DVD Review & Coconut Milk Ice Cream

Good morning!  First, let’s talk about my workout yesterday.  Strength training is super important and I have been a little slacking on it so instead…

Triathlon (Of Sorts)

Good morning everyone!  So I had the most amazing time at the gym last night!  I attended Zumba, Body Pump, and Yoga.  All of the…

Asking for Accountability!

I’ve not been as strict as I could be lately. While I am eating mostly super healthy foods, I also relax a lot on the…