The winner is…

FitFoodie from Spark People!  Thanks to everyone who entered the contest.  I am always looking for new things to give away! Workout of the DayI…

It’s Alive!

I am still trying to convince Garmin to give me a new one under warranty since I started having problems with it last December (and…

Insanity: Month 2 Week 1 (or Week 6)

So are you guys sick of the Insanity blogs yet?  LoL.  I figured I would recap my first experience with Month 2 Week 1 since…

Run Less, Run Faster: Book Review & Marathon Training Plan

This was one of those perfect timing things.  I was hunting online for a marathon training plan that simply had less running.  That seems counterintuitive…

Running Imposter

That’s me, I’m the running imposter.  All this time, I’ve been calling myself a runner but I’ve had myself and you all duped the whole…

Book Review: In Defense of Food

I originally read In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan way back in March 2010 when first got it.  I never really wrote a true…

Insanity Recovery Week & Month 2 Day 1

Core Cardio and BalanceLast week was nothing but the same DVD over and over again for Insanity.  It was “Core Radio and Balance”.  It was…

New Inspirations

I got my copy of Runner’s World “The Trail” special issue this week and I just read an article in it about being burnt out…