5 Years and Counting

Did you know it has been 5 years since I started getting healthy?!  A few months after getting married, I had had enough and started…

My New Routine: Lifting, HIIT, and Low Carb

Back when I was new to working out, I just did whatever came along.  It was hard to get started but if I had a…

New Asics

This weekend, I made a second trip to Fleet Feet.  While I loved the Mizuno’s that we picked the first time they were a little…

Fleet Feet Field Trip

Saturday, Rob’s rugby team signed up last minute for a local rugby tournament which just so happens to be near all the good shopping.  It…

First Run of 2014

I ran!  Yesterday, I was determined to hit the gym after Rob got home from work but I really, really wanted to go run.  Even…

Gym Hiatus

My name is Angela, and it was a week since my last workout.  Don’t worry though!  I fixed that this morning with an easy jog/walk…

Working Off Cupcakes

Happy Hump Day!  Yesterday, I spent most of the day running around to doctors appointments.  I need to fill out some paperwork for school and…

Late Bloomers

Things have been pretty boring around here which is why you’ve been getting a lot of health blogs and nothing else!  We do have one…