Zucchini Noodles

Yesterday, I had loads of energy!  I don’t know why but I’ll take it!  I drove down to school and set up camp in my…

A Paleo Yogi

Good morning!  I may be a little peppy this morning from my AM Yoga I did.  I have been really tight and sore lately and…

I Like to Move It!

I’m completely failing at this “avoid Paleo foods” thing.  I’m doing fabulous at avoiding grains but dairy seems to be a whole different story.  Yesterday,…

Maiden Voyage

Yesterday was the first time out for my new pair of Brooks Pure Cadence sneakers! I bought them back in March at the DC Rock…

It’s DVDs For Me!

There has been this black whole where my Insanity workouts once were.  My calendar looks so empty!  So you know me, I need a plan.…

Morning Insanity!

What a day!  First off, I checked my sleep patterns from last night.  I thought it was cool enough in the room and I would…

My Library: A reflection of me

I saw a friend on facebook who is also on Spark People post a picture of her “library” of fitness and health books.  I thought…

Barefoot or Not?

If you read my book review on Born to Run, you already know that I’ve been debating on taking the leap to barefoot running.  What…